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Guidelines & Policies
MMPC-Live is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health as a resource to provide services to the community of scientists who use mice to study diabetes, obesity, diabetic complications, and other metabolic diseases. In order to accomplish this goal, the MMPC-Live offers to researchers phenotyping tests that require specialized expertise or equipment. Modest fees for these tests are set at or below actual cost. Researchers can arrange to ship mice to the Centers for analysis.
  1. Center Structure & Steering Committees
  2. Application for Services
  3. Data
  4. Data Ownership
  5. Fees
  6. Acknowledgements

Center Structure & Steering Committees
Each Center has a structure that consists of an Administrative Core and Director, Experimental Test Core, and an Animal Health and Welfare Core. The MMPC-Live program has a Coordinating Unit which houses the MMPC-Live VIBRANT program, the MMPC-Live website, and the MMPC-Live Database. Details of the structure and personnel at each MMPC-Live can be obtained from the individual web sites, found on the MMPC-Livehomepage. The four Centers share a National Steering Committee consisting of Center Directors and NIH personnel.

Application for Services
After identifying the appropriate Center(s) from the individual web pages or test catalog the applicant should first contact the Center Director or Core Director to discuss the mouse strain, determine the best set of tests to be conducted, and obtain an estimate of costs. The applicant then obtains a password protected account and completes an online request for services which is targeted to the appropriate Center. The request is reviewed by the Center. Acceptance is based on Center workload, relevance of the available and/or requested tests to the mouse model, and the perceived value of the animal to diabetes, obesity, and metabolic disease research. The applicant will be contacted with the decision. Following consultation with the Center and/or Core Director(s), a written estimate for all tests agreed upon, including the number of mice required for each test and a timeline for receipt and testing of the mice at the MMPC-Live, will be sent to the applicant for his/her approval.

Tests will be conducted using the experimental protocols found on the individual MMPC-Live web sites or in the catalog. Detailed descriptions will be provided upon request. Upon completion of the requested tests, data in an appropriate form will be stored in the MMPC-Live database and posted on MMPC-Live's password protected web site for viewing by the submitting investigator only. The Center personnel will be available to discuss experimental details, etc.

Data Ownership
All data generated from a submitted strain belongs to the submitting investigator and his/her institution.
Center personnel have no rights to use this data for personal or institutional research purposes unless a formal, documented arrangement of collaboration exists between Center personnel and the investigator.
The NIH strongly encourages the sharing of research data. NIH guidelines regarding data sharing and management can be found at This notice states,
Sharing scientific data accelerates biomedical research discovery, in part, by enabling validation of research results, providing accessibility to high-value datasets, and promoting data reuse for future research studies. As a steward of the nation's investment in biomedical research, NIH has long championed policies that make research available to the public to achieve these goals.
All phenotyping data will be uploaded to the MMPC-Live database from where it will be made available to the Researcher. According to the 2022 NIH Data Sharing and Management Policy, shared scientific data should be made accessible as soon as possible, and no later than the time of an associated publication, or the end of performance period, whichever comes first. Further, NIH strongly encourages the use of established repositories to the extent possible for preserving and sharing scientific data. To help NIH-funded researchers comply with this policy, the MMPC-Live database can be used to release data to the public on behalf of the Researcher at their request.
The Center personnel and the investigator must read and agree to the Conditions Of Use (COU) Statement, which clearly states these rights and responsibilities.

Price information for each test is available in the test catalog. Applicants will receive a written estimate that must be acknowledged by the submitting investigator before animals can be shipped for testing. Fees are set as a fraction of the total costs incurred by the MMPC-Live for that test, and are calculated based on the obtainment of revenue neutrality.

One index of success of the NIDDK MMPC-Live program is the contribution of data produced by the MMPC-Live to publications and oral communications. Please acknowledge the MMPC-Live when presenting data obtained using Center Services.
University of California Davis is supported by U24 DK135074
University of Michigan Medical School is supported by U24 DK135066
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine is supported by U24 DK135073
Yale University School of Medicine is supported by U24 DK134901


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