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University of California Davis

Description Provides tests for metabolism, insulin resistance, glucose balance, energy
balance, eating behavior and cardiovascular phenotyping,
Director / Email K.C. Kent Lloyd, DVM, Ph.D. -
General Contact
Grant Number DK135074
RRID SCR_015357 (Cite This)

Center Cores:

 Center CoreCore DescriptionRRID

Center: University of California Davis; Director: K.C. Kent Lloyd, DVM, Ph.D.

 Animal CoreThe Animal Core provides extensive scientific support services, including importation/exportation, colony management, customized mouse models, rederivation and creation of genetically-modified mutant mice (e.g. CRISPR), and re-animation of a variety of models (e.g., KOMP) cryopreserved and available from the Mutant Mouse Resource and Research Center (MMRRC) Consortium. The Core can also produce male and female cohorts of mice for in vivo phenotyping under a variety of vivarium environments, including Specific Pathogen Free (SPF), Gnotobiotic, and ABSL3 conditions. The Core operates a Microsurgery Suite, with two expert microsurgeons, for development of surgically-manipulated mouse models, such as bariatric surgical models, e.g. Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) and Roux en Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB), as well as cannulation telemetry and osmotic pump implants, in addition to providing microsurgery training services for investigators and clinicians. In addition to testing, manipulation, and sampling, investigator can have these surgically-manipulated models as well as any genetically-engineered mouse lines shipped from our approved vendor barrier vivarium directly into the recipient institution’s vivarium. The Core provides ancillary services and procedures, including gut microbiome studies, blood and tissue sampling, glucose and insulin tolerance tests, and more. The Core also provides anatomic and clinical pathology services, including gross necropsy with histology, clinical chemistry, and hematology. Testing can be customized to include specific organ histologic examination, grading and photo documentation. The Core is led by Kristin Grimsrud DVM, PhD, who oversees the mouse management technicians. Denise M. Imai-Leonard, DVM, PhD, DACVP, and Director of the UC Davis Comparative Pathology Laboratory, provides Core users with comprehensive pathology services.SCR_015356
 M&MH CoreThe Metabolism & Metabolic Health (M&MH) Core provides phenotyping services for the assessment of metabolic physiology in mouse models relevant to obesity, diabetes, and cardiometabolic health. The Core offers users the expertise, technical resources, and instrumentation necessary to characterize perturbations in endocrine systems, bioenergetics, and metabolism. The Core performs assays and data interpretation for in vivo phenotyping including metabolic rate and whole-body substrate utilization, glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, systemic metabolomics, hepatic triglyceride production, microbiota metabolism (xenometabolomics) and microbiome characterization, in vivo imaging and body composition, food intake behaviors including food preference, quantitative energy balance measures, and endocrinology. The Core will also give prioritized and subsidized support, training, and consultation to VIBRANT-eligible researchers. The Core is led by Sean H. Adams, PhD, and Co-led by Peter J. Havel, DVM, PhD, with coordination and expertise from Michael Goodson, PhD and Douglas Rowland, PhD. The Core also includes scientific consultants in bioenergetics (Jon Ramsey), metabolomics and xenometabolomics (Oliver Fiehn, Trina Knotts, Brian Piccolo), and continuous glucose monitoring (Mark Huising). James Graham and Todd Tolentino are the Core’s expert technical staff.SCR_015359
 P&B CoreThe goal of the Physiology and Behavior (P&B) Core is to advance the understanding of behavioral manifestations and pathophysiological mechanisms and systemic consequences of diabetes, obesity, and related metabolic disorders. The Core provides investigators with a range of phenotyping tests and services for the in vivo characterization of ocular, kidney, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal functions in mouse models of obesity and diabetes. The Core also offers tests that allow investigators to study manifestations of peripheral neuropathy (nociception, gait & ambulation, and wound healing), a common complication of diabetes. Another important component of this Core is to understand how obesity and metabolic disorders influence executive and neurophysiological functions. For this, the Core offers a battery of behavioral (learning, memory, sociability, and anxiety) and neuromotor (gait, ambulation, force) tests to comprehensively interrogate the multifaceted behavioral domains. This Core also has expertise in evaluating exercise and sleep activities. The Core can assist investigators in all steps of the research process, from designing experiments to analyzing and interpreting data. The Core will also give prioritized and subsidized support, training, and consultation to VIBRANT-eligible researchers. The Core is led by Jill L Silverman PhD and Co-led by Louise Lanoue PhD. The Core also includes scientific consultants in ophthalmology (Morshiri Ala MD, PhD), cardiology (Nipivan Chiamvimovat MD), renal function (Maryam Afkarian MD, PhD) and wound healing (Scott Simon PhD). Todd Tolentino and Jody Findley are the Core’s expert technical staff.SCR_015364
 Microbiome & Host Response CoreInactiveSCR_015361
 Administrative CoreThe Administrative Core is responsible for oversight and coordination of all aspects of the scientific, administrative operations, coordination, and financial management of the MMPC-Live at UC Davis. This includes providing full customer support services, overseeing management and operation of the Center, and fostering interactions and synergism among the Animal Care, Metabolism & Metabolic Health, Physiology & Behavior cores. The Core will also work with VIBRANT-eligible users to facilitate priority and subsidized services, consultation, and experimental advice from Center scientists. In consultation with the Coordinating and Bioinformatics Unit (CBU), the Core uses MMPC-Live web-based business tools to facilitate client-provider interaction and help maintain Center budgetary and workflow records. The Core is led by the Center Director (Kent Lloyd) and assisted by a Business Manager (Renee Araiza), Project Navigator (Jenny Rutkowsky), Information and Data Manager (Dave Clary), and Biostatistics and QA/QC Officer (Lihong Qi). For more information about the MMPC-Live at UC Davis, or to arrange for phenotyping of your mouse line, contact our Project Navigator at


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